
Country China
Since 01.05.2013
Website URL Link
Pairs 1
Affiliate Program No
User Reviews 0 / 0

BTCTrade was de facto launched in April 2013, in Vancouver, Canada. But it is actually a Chinese trading platform that was officially launched in May 2013.

Initially, BTCTrade's primary goal was to provide financial services to Chinese customers. In June 2014, the platform went international.

BTCTrade is one of the largest Bitcoin trading platforms. Its customer base is comprised of more than 250 000 people, and its daily trading volume exceeds 50 000 Bitcoins.

BTCTrade allows users to trade Bitcoins, Litecoins, YBCoins and Dogecoins. The platform charges only 10 basis points on USD denominated trades, but the bid-ask spreads can reach 30 percent or more.

Users can borrow money and coins in order to create positions larger than their assets could allow. If a user could, for example, buy 100,000 Dogecoins before, then they could decide to borrow some money to get a position of 200,000 Dogecoins. In this case, the user’s invested amount would be the same, but the trading results would double.

The BTCTrade team is made up of IT professionals that used to work for MSRA, ALIBABA, CISCO, 12580 and other companies. This tells a lot about the expertise and dependability that they have to offer.


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    Current Rates

    The list of supported currency pairs and corresponding rates.

    Pair Rate Δ % Volume Δ V Spread
    BTC/USD 17218.0000 -3.1209 0.0770 11.5187 197.8900

    Trading Volume

    Distribution of the trading volume involving the supported currency pairs.

    Below you can find news and recent tweets related to this trading platform. This information was obtained from various sources.