Get the best exchange rates for BelarusBank BYR

It is very easy to buy BelarusBank currency at the best rates - simply use our automatic currency converter. It allows you to not only save your time exchanging the currency you want, but also select the most convenient method to do so.

All you need to do is select the currency you wish to buy and press the Filter button. The service will automatically provide you with a list of all available exchange directions. You can exchange BelarusBank BYR fast and hassle-free using third-party services shown on the list. We recommend paying attention to exchangers' reserves, fees, operation mode, and customer reviews.

All exchangers that charge extra fees are marked with special symbols.

Click on corresponding payment system to view available exchange directions.
Payment System Min. Fee Max. Fee Currencies
Webmoney Webmoney 0.00% 0.00% WMZ
Currency's Name Exchanger Expected Rate Exchange fees (*) Reserve Reviews Proceed
WMZ BazarMoney BazarMoney 2.3600 4957.0700 0 0 Link
Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies 0.00% 0.00% Tether TRC20 (USDT), Tether BEP20 (USDT)
Currency's Name Exchanger Expected Rate Exchange fees (*) Reserve Reviews Proceed
Tether TRC20 (USDT) BazarMoney BazarMoney 2.7900 4957.0700 0 0 Link
Tether BEP20 (USDT) BazarMoney BazarMoney 2.6500 4957.0700 0 0 Link
ЮMoney (Яндекс) ЮMoney (Яндекс) -88.28% -88.28% RUB
Currency's Name Exchanger Expected Rate Exchange fees (*) Reserve Reviews Proceed
fees: -88.28%
BazarMoney BazarMoney 0.0280 -88.28% 4957.0700 0 0 Link
Visa/Mastercard Visa/Mastercard -88.28% -88.28% RUB
Currency's Name Exchanger Expected Rate Exchange fees (*) Reserve Reviews Proceed
fees: -88.28%
BazarMoney BazarMoney 0.0280 -88.28% 4957.0700 0 0 Link
(*) - Exchange rates of Russian Central Bank, Ukrainian Central Bank, Byelorussia Central Bank, LBMA and calculated cross-exchange rates between these currencies:
1 BYR = 304.785126 RUB