
Symbol SLR
Established 23.01.2014
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Founder ddirt
Algorithm Scrypt
Protocol POW
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Solarcoin was launched in 2014. This new cryptocurrency is based on Litecoin's open source. Solarcoin was not intended to replace Bitcoin or to become the most valuable cryptocurrency in existence. The main goal of this digital asset is to make solar energy available worldwide and, as a result, reduce the consumption of common energy sources like coal.

Since its launch, Solarcoin has managed to gain popularity and attracted many customers. This currency encourages people around the world to install solar panels and to consume alternative eco-friendly energy only.

To promote this idea, Solarcoin has large SLR reserves worth more than 500 million U.S. dollars that are to be given away to those who agree to help with solar power development. In order to participate in the program, you need to visit Solarcoin's website, follow the instructions and you will be able to claim your coins. The reward is 1 Solarcoin for every 1MWh generated.

Solarcoin is constantly developing and expanding. It is now famous in many European countries, North America, Australia and other places.


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