
Symbol IFC
Established 05.06.2013
Website URL Link
Block explorer Link
Off. announcement​ Link
Founder fisheater
Algorithm Scrypt
Protocol POW
Reviews 0 / 0

Infinitecoin appeared in 2013 as an alternative to fiat money. The main advantages of this cryptocurrency are its complete decentralization and security. The currency is governed by its users alone, and it has one of the largest total number of coins.

The block generation time is 30 seconds and the difficulty retargets after each block. Infinitecoin uses the Scrypt algorithm and the proof of work protocol.

Infinitecoin wallets are available on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Android platforms. The wallets are highly secure with up-to-date encryption technologies that prevent cyber attacks. Infinitecoins can be mined or bought on online exchangers. If you already have some Infinitecoins, you can exchange them for other currencies.

Since Infinitecoin is becoming more and more popular, an ever-increasing number of merchants are ready to accept Infinitecoins as a payment method for their goods and services. As of now, Infinitecoin users can make purchases in more than a dozen online stores.

Infinitecoin is a reliable and secure payment solution that is available to everyone. With Infinitecoins, users can send money around the world without paying unreasonably high fees.


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